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Bookcase | Prototype

Yasuhiko Itoh, 1959 - 2016

A prototype of a curved wood bookcase, which was complex workmanship for the time. was designed by Japanese designer Yasuhiko ltoh and never put into production. To make the prototype, ltoh spent severa I months in Giussano. working closely with craftspeo­ple. Unveiled in 1959 with a chaise longue, at the third "Mostra Selettiva - Concorso Internazionale del Mobi­le" in Cantù. the bookcase prototype won third piace.

Design Yasuhiko Itoh, 1959 - 2016

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1959 Selettiva di Cantù, Third Prize


Yasuhiko Itoh

Itoh, born in 1933, studied at Waseda University, and he then spent several months in Molteni’s production department working with the Molteni experts.

Complete biography
Yasuhiko Itoh

“The Japanese and Italian cultures are similar in their love towards wood and its artefacts in all shapes and forms”

Yasuhiko Itoh